Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tanzania Blog - Part 2

Hello again. So how did you like the birds from my Part 1 blog? The birds alone are worth a trip to Africa...although you only see a variety of birds in the National Parks. For this blog I'm going to share with you some landscapes of Tarangire Nat'l Park and Lake Manyara and quite a few animal images...so let's get rollin'...

 Elephants fighting

Banded Mongoose

 Giraffe in the morning fog

Baby monkeys playing...

Cape Buffalo

I liked this image of this Blue Monkey momma and her baby so had to include it.

 This baby baboon was just so cute that I had to share it with you.

 This is what the one section of the park looks like...with animals everywhere. See the giraffes and elephant in the background?

 Young ostriches


 Elephants on the march

Rock Hyraxes

Dwarf Mongoose

Baby baboon trying to climb a tree

I took this image of this "journey of giraffes" (which is what you call a group of more than three giraffes) in silhouette at Lake Manyara for my friend and fellow photographer, Bruce.

Monkey contemplating life

Banded Mongoose on the lookout for danger

This was the first lion that ever roared-and-jumped at me...and yes, it was very scary.

I added this giraffe because I've never seen a giraffe this color before...almost black instead of brown



This is the lodge I stayed at in Lake Manyara
Zebra stallions fighting. I watched these guys fighting for several minutes...it was brutal and surprises me as to why they don't end up killing each other.

This is an image of Mt. Kilimanjaro in the early morning

 Elephants feeding in the morning fog

 I thought this was an interesting Baobab tree...still growing even with the hole. Some of these trees can live between 2-4,000 years.

 Here's another landscape from Tarangire Nat'l Park showing the baobab trees. I've never seen so many baobab trees as in this park.

Zebras grazing. There are numerous large herds of zebra in Tarangire, probably numbering into the hundreds-of-animals.

My Favorite of the Week:
I was driving through some very heavy jungle in the early morning when I came upon this Blue Monkey...and the light was perfect. I was actually surprised that I was able to get the photo because it was so dark.

Epilogue: So that's it for my Africa blogs. I hope you enjoyed the trip with me. I've had a couple of people ask me to put out a blog with my favorite images from this trip, which I will try to do that once I get settled down again. I had an enjoyable time in Africa this year and really enjoyed being able to share it with my friend, Pat. OK, who wants to go back with me next year?

So until I can put out another blog, I'm wishing all of you well and thank you for all of your wonderful comments. It's been another great adventure.  John


1 comment:

  1. John, you saved the best for last! These are amazing pictures. The blue monkey shots were artistic! The picture of the park with far away animals reminded me of a "where's waldo" picture... how many giraffes were in the picture?

    That lion jumped at you? Are you kidding? What happened to get that close? You didn't walk up to that lion did you?

    Are those banded mongoose related to our praire dogs?

    Just amazing John
